Beatles Red 62-66
The closest the Beatles came to a greatest hits package, this document of the early part of their career features hit singles (in chronological order) and selected album tracks, running from "Love Me Do" through the groundbreaking Rubber Soul and Revolver albums. While this may be an excellent intro for beginners, real fans will never be content with only selections, especially when you're dealing with those aforementioned albums. Capitol packages the collection on two discs, copying the original vinyl version--but, of course, CDs hold more music than records did. Still, you do get 26 bona fide classics, so there's no real need to complain.
Record 1 Side 1
1. Strawberry Fields Forever
2. Penny Lane
3. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely
Hearts Club Band
4. With a Little Help
from My Friends
5. Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds
6. Day in the Life
7. All You Need Is Love
Record 1 Side 2
1. I Am the Walrus
2. Hello, Goodbye
3. Fool on the Hill
4. Magical Mystery Tour
5. Lady Madonna
6. Hey Jude
7. Revolution
Record 2 Side 3
1. Back in the U.S.S.R.
2. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
3. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
4. Get Back
5. Don't Let Me Down
6. Ballad of John and Yoko
7. Old Brown Shoe
Record 2 Side 4
1. Here Comes the Sun
2. Come Together
3. Something
4. Octopus's Garden
5. Let It Be
6. Across the Universe
7. Long and Winding Road